In a Galaxy not far, far away

The Code is my religion

So, please, don't whistle in my temple. I am Catalin Rizea, a knight of the Developers Order.

A toolbox fit for any type of app

Powerful tools

I have extensive experience working with a wide range of technologies, and I am capable of building anything from basic websites to intricate web and mobile applications.

Developers order archive

The latest articles

Test and deploy an OpenAPI with Github Actions

It is time to go full circle with the search-to-rent OpenAPI demo by adding a Github Actions workflow for CI / CD.

Clerk authentication, authorization, Upstash limiter, Axiom logging

This is a continuation of the previous article, adding new features to the search-to-rent OpenAPI. The main objective is to get it ready for deployment using Bun in a Docker container. So, let's add to it Clerk authentication, authorization, an Upstash rate limiter, and an Axiom logger.

Real estate API for a search-to-rent application

Let's take a deep dive into an OpenAPI for a search-to-rent application focused on the Canadian real estate market. The tech stack is Bun, Hono, Drizzle, PlanetScale, Algolia, and CloudAMQP.

Do or do not, there is no try

The Code

These are the values of my religion. This is how I live as a Developer worthy of this Order.

Present and past jobs

Work experience

Many challenges, I overcame. Wisdom and experience, I gained. A good developer, I became. A good learner, I remained.


Fullstack Developer (2018 - Present). Applied artificial intelligence, web and mobile app development, IoT

Makeen, USA

Lead Frontend Developer (2017 - 2018). Video streaming platform, DRM protected video streams, improved git version control workflow

Wirestorm, USA

Fullstack Developer (2015 - 2017). Fleet management app for gas & oil industry, web crawler, price comparison app for a wholesale corporation

Email Wing, Romania

Fullstack Developer, Founder (2010 - 2018). Email marketing platform, email template builder, email campaign management

Code masters I served with

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